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Using Habit Systems To Organize Your Life In Less Than 60 Days

This comprehensive and easy-to-follow online course shows you exactly how to say goodbye to persisting chaos of a busy life while achieving unprecedented levels of productivity and personal growth with habit systems.

For parents, Entrepreneurs, Working professionals , & students

This isn't just a shortcut. It is the fastest way to organizing your busy life done RIGHT.

How Habit Systems Changed My Life

BEFORE: My calendar was sooo full. There was NO time for myself. My skin was always broken out. No healthy eating & the kitchen full of dishes nightly. Our apartment was getting small, complaints, and SO MANY PROBLEMS…

AFTER: Found & made time for myself. My skin and body are healthier than ever. Every night the kitchen is clear. We eat healthy & save $$$. Bought a 4bd house with a dream backyard. I KNOW how to manage my mental health. I am excited to wake up early, and SO MUCH MORE

In this course, you will:


Everything you will learn to thrive


Mind: the 4 secrets introduction (80% of what causes the problems)  | Going in depth in order to understand the root cause of your habits & learning how to make them work for you

  • Beliefs & Identity: why information isn’t transformative
  • Mission & goals: Root of instant vs delayed gratification 
  • Thoughts: how to break the cycle
  • Feelings: a major hurdle to action


Action: the 5 secrets introductions |Going in depth to learn what, why, when, and how to use these secrets for maximum result

  • Capacity: Learning about T.E.A.M.
  • Action plan: the successful step-by-step process 
  • Habit loops: how to hack it for maximum efficiency 
  • Systems: building to reduce stress & maximize success
  • Tools: creating more capacity on demand


Reaching 100%: combining mind & action for maximum results with real-life examples

  • Building a healthy eating system together vs McDonald’s business model
  • Touching a hot stove: how to break a habit faster 
  • What research says about breaking the worst habits (cigarette example)
  • Why your phone scrolling habits are hard to break & what to do
  • 10+ book recommendations

Why is this works

90-95% of our actions are controlled by our subconscious mind (habitual). If you don’t proactively work on your habits, you will automatically create a snowballing effect of reacting to external stressors (from waking late to being extremely overwhelmed).

And if you don’t have systems (a carefully thought-out organizing method) to take care of everyday simple tasks, you will be using your conscious mind to make decisions every step of the way. This massively drains your time, energy, and attention span.


How long is the course?

It is 5 parts and totals 1 hour and 10 mins.

No new account or account information is required. You will get a directly link to a playlist (host on this website) you can access from anywhere.

No, there are no quizzes or tests. This is only a course because it is longer since it complies a lot of information. How you apply it will show if you truly understood.

What Makes this different?

A lot of free information about changing your life through habits are personal experiences such as blogsxx ways to wake up earlyor videos xx life-changing habits you need to try

But this doesn’t work esp. for long-term change. This is because they don’t take your unique situation (environment, life-changing event, etc ) & mindset (like beliefs, mission, or thoughts) into account. 

They also fail to combine science-based data on psychology and a system thinking approach to create a framework that is repeatable regardless of what habit you are trying to form or break.

Is this you?

You are done & tired of

  • Feeling burned out, overwhelmed, & extremely fatigued nightly!
  • Being overpowered by juggling multiple aspects of your life: passion/career, mental health, marriage, kid(s), self-care, living healthy, etc.
  • Feeling like you have no time or energy for yourself and the things you enjoy doing
  • Unsure how to be more balanced & feel hopeless what could possibly help you resolve this reoccurring headache in your life

Imagine for a second

  • Feel relaxed, in control, and recharged to take on everyday
  • Know exactly what to do & how to approach challenging situations​ as life changes constantly
  • You have more time & energy to do what you want
  • Your daily life is full of moments that make you feel deeply fulfilledas your dreams come true effortlessly
  • You have reduced burnout and anxiety by over 50%

About Me

As an engineering major, my approach to life is very systematic. After 10 years of trying to figure out the multiple life-changing events that have broken me down to my core, I decided there must be a method to this madness.

As a co-founder of a successful startup, I was forced (happily) to learn how important setting up structures are for a successful company—those years taught me that we need to take our life as seriously as major corporations. Why don’t we? Maybe because we don’t know where to start balancing it all. Is there even a way to thoroughly structure one’s personal life? Perhaps it isn’t popular enough to try. Or it is too hard. But I have tried & succeeded. 

I have used habits for over 10 years to build an intentional dream life. I am married mother of 2 boys (3 & under) and I use my methodology & framework daily to find peace and deep fulfillment in the dream life I was able to create for myself.

Let me show you how to make it happen for you.

– Ayyaantu A

Go on then, wait no more.

Invest in yourself. Begin the journey. Do not give up your power so easily. This is your life, and it is up to you to make it what you want, not anyone else’s. Even being 1% percent better than the person you were yesterday is excellent.

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